BISA's mission: To promote cycling for transport and to represent all cyclists at the local state and national levels by working collaboratively with other interest groups and governments.
This year BISA celebrates 25 years of cycling advocacy. We do this in association with our friends in Pedal Power, Canberra.
It is customary to celebrate longevity - BISA's 25 year survival in our car-dominated society is a notable achievement, but can we go beyond survival and longevity and celebrate achievements? I believe that we can.
We can celebrate:
Over 25 years, countless hours of unpaid effort by thousands of BISA members have been contributed to action and discussion about important social problems to which cycling can, at least in part, contribute solutions.
Over 25 years, members' time and energy has been spent
Contributing to local area bike plans within local governments across the state.
Writing letters to editors of newspapers and magazines which have kept cycling issues prominent in public discussion
Making phone calls and writing letters to local councillors and elected members of both houses of parliament in South Australia
Negotiating with bureaucrats about pot holes, lane markings, and signs and countless other pro-cycling road details.
Arguing the case in countless forums, pubs and dinner parties.
And no doubt there have been countless unnoticed actions, like that of the BISA member who recently rang the ABC's access line in order to ask Andre Luks from Transport SA (TSA) whether or not the redevelopment of Greenhill Road contained cycling lanes. Another example is that of a member who rang the TSA 1800 number about debris on a bicycle lane. Next morning the debris had been cleaned up. Over 25 years BISA has enriched South Australian community life through its contributions to social capital in this State. We've contributed richly to community networks, with colleagues we have shared a commitment to public health and defending our physical environment. We have enhanced economic performance through decongesting roads, and we have improved the performance of representative government.
BISA has done much to facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit in our community.
As I noted last year--things have been looking up for cycling. BISA's persistence is being rewarded after many years of struggle. So BISA members and our fellow travellers will celebrate as
So, on your behalf I would like to celebrate all those unnamed citizens who have plugged away over so many years contributing to this State's social capital, often through BISA's channels. The foundation was laid and relaid, and now progress is evident. We've done a great job putting forward cycling as partial solution to many of society's problems.
Please continue to support us with your membership, by contributing to our campaigns, and by using BISA as an inspiration for your own pro-cycling activities.
Here's to all BISA's past members! And here's to the current membership! You are valued and needed!
Welcome to the new look Pedal Update. Although the appearance may be a little different, all the contents are what you expect from a BISA magazine. My thanks to Ruth Sims (and Alex) for providing previous issues on CD-R, and making the transfer easy.
You can still send your contributions by e-mail to, or you can avoid a redirection by sending to Deadline for PU 132 is 16 July.
This time we have the President's annual report, a congratulatory message from a Federal MP, a report on Velo City 99 in Graz, news of interesting projects, and other items. Read on...
AGM scene at The Box Factory, 22 April.
Unley Mayor, Michael Keenan, addresses the meeting.
BISA 25 Years
Andrew Southcott
I would like to congratulate BISA on the 25 year anniversary. I am also pleased that a goal of BISA's has recently been met with the announcement of the Federal Government's National Stategy.
The National Stategy believes that increased participation in cycling will contribute to transport, urban development, economic, environment, health and equity goals, leading to an improved quality of life for Australians. Many current initiatives of the three spheres of government support increased cycling.
The National Strategy has Six Objectives:
Australia Cycling is implemented and reviewed in a coordinated and collaborative manner. Policy and planning integrates cycling as a valued element. Facilities exist that support increased cycling. Safety for cyclists, on and off road, is continuously improved. The benefits for cycling are recognised by decision makers and the Australian community. Cycling is incorporated into all appropriate areas of education, training and professional development. The National Strategy acknowledges the Bicycle Federation of Australia as a Steering Group and a National Stakeholder Organisation. The National Stategy will play an important role in coordinating programmes that will increase the amount of cycling in our community and complements other national initiatives such as Active Australia and the National Greenhouse Strategy.
I congratulate BISA on their work in highlighting the need for a National Strategy and look forward to joining them on another bike ride.
Andrew Southcott is Federal Member for Boothby and Chair of the Government Health and Aged Care Committee.
Elizabeth King's letter of 21/4/99 is spot on regarding pedestrian safety on our roads. The spacing between pedestrian crossings in many cases is too great. If pedestrians wish to cross busy roads at existing pedestrian crossings they are obliged walk additional long distances due to the lack of them.
The traffic density on many of our roads is now so great that it can take up to 5 minutes for an able bodied person to safely make a crossing. What hope do the aged, the infirm and children have in such an environment? The situation is rapidly approaching that in parts of the USA where people need to use a motor car to travel very short distances simply to cross a busy road.
With modern computerised traffic control systems these additional crossings should have minimal impact on vehicle flow. As motorists have created the difficulty for pedestrians it is only reasonable that they should pay for these additional crossings though increased car registration fees.
After intently listening the Budget speech by the Treasurer for news about cycling, I was disappointed, like most years. So I thought I'd take a closer look at the Budget papers to see if there was any mention of cycling in the fine print.
Firstly, in the Transport and Regional Services portfolio, in the Portfolio Budget Statement on page 58 (of 179) I found "Output 1.1 --Policy Advice and Ministerial Services includes an Activity--Lead Commonwealth involvement including secretariat support for the Australian Bicycle Council (ABC) in the implementation of the National Bicycle Strategy (NBS). Performance Measures--Quantity: Minimum of 2 National Bicycle Strategy meetings. Timeliness: Meet timeframes specified in the National Bicycle Strategy. Provision of agenda papers, minutes and action lists within agreed timeframes for ABC meetings."
So far so good, so off to the Portfolio of Health and Aged Care. However it was late, presumably to balance out some other nameless portfolio that was a bit early. Looking the next day I couldn't find the word 'bicycle.' Isn't cycling a health issue? I looked closer, and mention is made of strategies to increase physical activity and "effective working relationships with other sectors that have an important population health contribution in priority areas, for example, family and children's services, transport, environment..". Further on I see that action plans are in place to increase physical activity. And these plans are to be reviewed, evaluated and improved.
So there you have it, not a huge amount. Cycling does exist in the Federal Budget, but only just. But do watch out though, one of the measures is "increase mass limits for trucks from 42.5 to 45.5 tonnes for heavy road freight vehicles with road friendly suspensions."
In the February issue of Pedal Update a chance was offered to win a year's membership to BISA. All we asked was that you pay your subs before 25 February to be entered into a free draw. A second chance draw was also held for those who resubscribed before 25 March. For every 25 members who re-subscribed before 25 February there was one winner, while for the March draw one in 50 subscriptions was drawn. There is a total of 11 winners.
The aims of the draw were twofold: one to celebrate BISA's 25th anniversary and two, to encourage members to resubscribe promptly. I am pleased to advise that far more members have resubscribed at this time (in our financial year) than was the case at the same time last year. As for the celebration, I can only presume that the people listed below will celebrate in their own small way: perhaps they will ride an extra 25km on the next fine sunny day.
David Hawkins and family
Allan and Vivien Evans
Guy Amos
Southcott Pty Ltd
Colin Gordon
Rob and Judy Johnston
Peter Anastassiadis and family
Bruce Greenhalgh
Janet Kelly
John Arnold
Ron and Norma Lewitzka
'The Bicycle Crossing Frontiers' was the theme for Velo City 99 in April, where over 400 delegates from about 38 countires came together for the international conference.
Alfred Stingl, Mayor of Graz, welcomed people and spoke of the bicycle as the 'symbol of soft mobility.' He stressed the need to focus on the most vulnerable road users who should have special priority, and the need for individual motor traffic needs to be continually channelled to ensure the well-being of all citizens.
It was in 1978 that the first bicycle lane was marked in Graz. Now 58 streets in the city have contra flow lanes. In 1992 the 30 km/h speed limit for all vehicles was introduced for a two year trial period, covering 80% of the network. This has reduced crashes by 25%. Trips by bicycle are in excess of 14% now. Population is 250 000.
Tom Godefrooij, President of the European Cyclists' Federation, spoke of the health and environment as being natural allies, along with land use planning. education, and tourism. With privatisation of railways, the ideal way to cross frontiers by bicycle, it is important that these opportunities are not lost.
Paul Hodson from the EEC spoke of alliances with other forms of sustainable transport, and his words were 'Never give up--keep pushing.' With 80 % of EU people living in urban areas, decision makers must add cycling to their vision of alternative transport. Cycling policy deserves long-term investment. At least 3% of transport budgest should be for cycling.
Velo City crossed the frontier to Slovenia for one day of meetings to be held in the city of Maribor, with 100 000 residents. A steam train was provided for the 80 km trip and the town band was at the station to welcome the delegates who marched behind the band to the hall. The recently formed bicycle police squad controlled all intersections.
Australian delegates included three from Bicycle Institute of SA, two from Bicycle NSW, one from Bicycle Queensland, and one from Western Australia. Two papers were presented by Australians. A full copy of the proceedings is available from me.
Members of the Grazer Women's Bicycle Club, 1892.
The Parenting Network office is situated at the Parks Community Centre at Angle Park, one of the disadvantaged areas in Adelaide. The Security office at the Community centre, with the support of the Health Community Development team, have co-ordinated a project, 'The bike workshop', to enable many of the children in this area to have access to bikes as well as an activity to keep them busy. They build up bikes from any old pieces with the help of a volunteer supervisor each day after school, 4-6 pm.
This project is also aimed at trying to reduce the vandalism in the local area, and so far there has been a 90 percent reduction in crime.
We have offered to support the project by donating bikes, parts and helmets ourselves and by advertising through the hospital network for bikes of any age, size or condition and also any bike helmets. They would be most grateful for anything, and it's amazing to see what they put together from anything! For one child in particular a rebuilt bike was the only present he received at Christmas.
If you are able to help us, to support this worthwhile project please:
1. Bring your bike, parts, helmets, etc. to The Parks Community Centre Angle Park, via the Trafford Street car park between 4 and 6pm. The workshop is next to the car park in an enclosed compound and the supervisor is Wayne.
2. Call with your name and phone number and we can arrange for the project people to ring you to arrange collection of bikes, bits and pieces or helmets from your home during the week. Please be patient if you choose this option, because it may take some time for the collection, which has to be organised around availability of a vehicle and volunteer help.
It would be very much appreciated if you could deliver the bikes, etc. yourselves, as the collection all over Adelaide can take some time and a lot of organising with only volunteer help through the Community Health Service.
If you have any questions, please contact Helen Brougham, Administative Assistant at Parenting Network, on 8243 5544.
The fourteenth annual Australian International Pedal Prix, sponsored by Dynamic Group Services, takes place on 17, 18 and 19 September 1999 at Sturt Reserve, Murray Bridge, South Australia. This 24 hour endurance race for human powered and hybrid vehicles is raced around a street circuit, testing both the design and construction of the cycles and the skills of the riders.
The Pedal Prix is aimed mainly at teams from primary and secondary schools, but independent entries are most welcome. Last year saw entries from interstate and regional areas, which have entered the race again this year.
In 1998, 130 teams comprised of 2000 competitors participated, with 3000 support crew and 20,000 spectators. As at the end of April, 103 teams have put in their entries so far. Entries for the race close on Wednesday 30 June. Murray Bridge is once again preparing itself for one of the world's largest human powered vehicle events. Diversity and innovation are encouraged by the organisers of this event, the result being that we see a wide variety of vehicle styles entered.
For further information and entry forms contact Debbie Chudzicki on 08 8270 4985 or visit our Web site If you require any further details please contact me on 8377 2640 or